The Ives Genealogy Zone

Last Updated — 24 September 2024

This simple and basic web page (and I intend to keep it that way) contains downloadable documents (via the Right-Click, 'Save Link/Target' process) that pertain to my genealogical interests.  It has been generated for 2 purposes: 1) to make this information easily and widely available to any and all interested parties and, 2) to serve as an online backup of certain documents and information. The contents of this web page will change over time — as documents are updated and as new information or resources are added.  Most of the existing documents, and the documents to come, either will be in the PDF format or in a compressed (ZIP) format.  "Updated" or "New" documents will be so noted in the text.

My primary genealogical interest is with the descendants of the William Ives (1607-1648) lineage — my "Ives Tree."  But, I also have an interest in a number of the families ('Branches') that are affined to this Ives tree, including: Baldwin, Chase, Cristiano, Dotterer, Doud, Pfister/Fister, Foote, Getty, Gregory, Hall, Heebner, McClory, Mears, Merriam, Moss, Moyer, Nail, Nichols, Painter, Pratt, Riker, Scranton, Shrum/Schramm, Trexler, Warr, Warren, and Whiteley.   And I am keenly interested in any Ives descendant of any of the 99 known Ives lineage progenitors (see below)!

Data and documents on other Ives lineage progenitors (including: Timothy, Thomas, Miles, William the Quaker, Franklin Alexander, John of Nova Scotia) may be found linked from this page as well.   All Ives – Ancestors & Descendants – are welcome!   The emphasis on this site will be to provide downloadable data in the form of pdf/zip files, rather than presenting the textual data itself as a series of web pages.

FAIR USE:    Anyone is allowed to download and make personal use of any of the documents linked to from this site.   BUT, nobody is allowed to download any document or information and then post that document or information on any private or commercial site, nor make it available from any private or commercial venue, without a detailed and explicit notice of attribution to the original author(s) and source(s).   This kind of Anti-Piracy statement should not be necessary but, unfortunately, it has occurred!

The following documents currently are available:

• A summary document of my genealogy interests and approach — David's Interests (3 pages)   (1 May 2023)
• A list of some of the "interesting" ancestors of William Ives and the affined families — Interesting Ancestors (3 pages)   (1 May 2023)
• A document detailing my DNA information, via the National Geographic Genographic Project — David's DNA (7 pages)   (November 2010)
• A document comparing the results/usefulness of my DNA testing from 5 different testing organizations--   My DNA Comparisons   (11 pages) ◊ NEW!◊ —   (24 September 2024)
• A brief descriptive document on DNA Genealogical Test Types (11 pages)    (January 2017)
• A listing (far from complete - please add the ancestors about whom YOU are seeking information!) of some of the Ives who have unknown or disputed ancestry; they are the Ives Being Sought (8 pages) (November 2014)

• A Table listing the databases which I currently am maintaining and researching (includes full/progenitor lineages as well as unlinked or partial branches) Master Database List   (5 pages)   ◊UPDATED!◊ —(24 September 2024)
• The DNA signature of William Ives (1607-1648); derived from the Y chromosome testing of 6 male direct descendants of William   (2 pages)   (August 2014)
• A summary of the information currently known about William Ives (his birth, life, and death) — William Ives Summary (80 pages)   (1 May 2023)
• A Family Group Sheet report on progenitor William Ives (1607-1648)     (29 pages)   (1 May 2023)
• A report of the ancestors of William Ives known - to me - to date William Ives' Ancestors     (1 May 2021)-- (42 pages)
• A listing, in outline format, of the known (to date) descendants of William Ives,   (1340 pages)   ◊UPDATED!◊ — (24 September 2024)

• An excellent and thorough document by Ken Ives on what currently is known about the Ives lineage progenitor — Timothy Ives of Virginia (6 pages)   (April 2013)
• Ken Ives' significant Family Tree Maker database on the Timothy Ives lineage.  Thank you, Ken!   (December 2014)
• An excellent unpublished manuscript (courtesy of Ken Ives!) compiled by Melinda J Lukei on The Ives Family (mostly Timothy Ives' descendants) in the Virginia Beach, Virginia area   (49 pages)  (2014)

• A list of pre-1925 useful published genealogical resources for Ives & affined families (23 pages)  (1 September 2019)
• A document listing general online resources for Ives genealogy — Ives Online  (new information always welcome) (8 pages)    (November 2015)
• A Gazetteer of Physiographic and Man-Made Feature & Cemeteries that include the name, Ives (53 pages)   (1 September 2019)
• A listing of named Ives Cemeteries and Ives plots in other cemeteries (81 pages)  (1 September 2019)
• A superb working manuscript by Ken Ives on the Ives Soldiers of the American Civil War (150 pages)   (March 2014)

• A document containing information on the Possible Origins & Variations of the Surname Ives   (6 pages)   (1 May 2023)
• A table listing very brief information about the 99 known Ives line progenitors — Progenitors (new information always welcome!) (22 pages)   ◊UPDATED!◊ —(24 September 2024) 
• A summary compilation of data on the known progenitors of the various Ives lineages (99 currently known) in the New World (765 pages; 102Mb)   ◊UPDATED!◊ —(24 September 2024)  
• A brief summary description of cousin terminology (first, second, removed, etc.) — Cousin Terminology (4 pages)   (January 2011)
• A description of the calendar date change in the mid-1700s, from Old Style (Julian) to New Style (Gregorian) — Calendar Change (1 page)   (March 2011)
• A downloadable document denoting a number of online genealogy tools that I have used (please add to it!)   (10 pages)   (1 September 2019)

The seminal book by Arthur Coon Ives, "Genealogy of the Ives Family...", is out of copyright and is available as a searchable PDF file -- both the 1928 edition, and the 1932 edition (ca. 315pp)   (1 May 2023)

• A copy of William Dollarhide's (a distant relative) "Genealogy Rules" — Genealogy Rules (3 pages)   (January 2010)
• A short brief noting some issues affecting availability and reliability of genealogical primary and secondary Sources (6 pages)    (February 2012)
• A short brief on Historical Nicknames and Diminutives aka, hypocorism.   (4 pages)   (1 September 2019)
• A document discussing the Ives "coat of arms" and why they are not yours.   (4 Pages)   ◊UPDATED!◊ —(24 September 2024)

• Three excellent, well-researched Ives investigatory documents by Tom Shanley:
Probable Identification of Christina (Mrs. Albert)Lonsberry     (20 February 2021)
Problems with the Beacon, NY Line in 'Genealogy of the Ives Family    (20 February 2021)
William Ives of Fishkill Was Not the Son of Elam Ives of New Haven     (20 February 2021)

Full Descendants Report for the William Ives (1607-1648) lineage is now available!
• A ReadMe file presenting some information about this very large report - Please download and read this ReadMe file first!      (1 May 2023) -- 2 pages
William Ives' Descendants Report    ◊UPDATED!◊ —  (24 September 2024) -- 4249 pages... including more than 46,000 source-footnotes

• A new compilation by Sheila Ives; based on her considerable research on the Ives in the Ohio, Firelands, and Western Reserve region, the Ohio Ives (21 pages) (August 2014)

• Kerry Serl is making available three collections of documents concerning the descendants of Eben Ives (1792-1855).  These collections include documents
on the Nelson Marks Ives (1818-1898) family, one of Eben's sons; documents on the Jesse Ives (1868-1926) family, a son of Nelson Marks Ives;
and a genealogy of this Ives branch, written by Harry Marks Ives (1856-1929), another son of Nelson Marks Ives.  Good information and good reading; thanks, Kerry. (June 2012)
Kerry can be reached at: Kerry Serl

• An outstanding 291-page document on the genealogy research of Arthur Stanley Ives and his Ives branch, plus great information on many of the families affined to his branch of the Ives tree has been made available by Aleta Crawford. Compiled by Arthur over many years, it has been typed into shareable format by Aleta (wife of Arthur Stanley Ives' great-grandson, James M. Crawford).    Thank you, Aleta!    This document can be downloaded here and Aleta can be contacted for further information at this address. (July 2014)

• Janet Price has made available a 28-page descendants report on John Ives (father of Thomas, of the MA Ives lineage); thanks, Janet! (July 2012)

• Lynn Hammond has done some seriously good research on the mysterious Merritt Ives, his family, and on the Ives in Vermont. She has graciously provided the following downloadable files: Merritt Ives Family Tree and Notes Information; Photos of Albert Ives and Family; Photos of Roy Ives and Family; and a great compilation on the Ives in Vermont     (September 2012)
She can be contacted at: for further information or to share your information with her.

• Howard Jeffrey has transcribed a downloadable 1888 diary (an entry for every single day!) of Lucy May Bromley (wife of Alfred Horton Ives.  Some family photos (and other information) also can be downloaded.   Many thanks, cousin Howard!  

Ives Mini-Profiles
Major Frank Ives, (a man with an extraordinary medical and military career) written by cousin Richard W Ives
Robert Campbell Ives, (hardly an 'ordinary' farmer, he was the stuff of America) written by cousin Nancy Ives Knab
Mark Ives, (he and his wife were missionaries to the Sandwich Islands) written by cousin Ken Neal

A copy ("zipped") of my main Ives genealogy database is available, current as of 24 September 2024, in both the Family Tree Maker 2019 format (.ftmb) - use "Restore" from FTM to open it - and the generic/standard GEDCOM format (.ged) — FTM 2019 Format and GEDCOM Format.
NOTE — Neither of these files contains the more than 17,500 (25.3Gb) associated media files (e.g., census pages, photographs, draft registration cards, passenger lists, various compiled or created documents, etc.), because the download size would be extremely large.    Please contact me by e-mail if you wish a copy of these files, and I will mail them to you on a USB key.
Caution — the FTM file that can be downloaded from this page is 404Mb in size, and the GED file is ca. 197Mb in size     ◊UPDATED!◊ — 1448 additional records added since the last Update

A Non-Exclusive Non-Exhaustive List Of Researchers Working With Ives Genealogy
(to add your name and information to this list, contact David Ives)

John Wilder, Waterville, Maine; Major interest: Ives DNA, Jeremiah Ives, ~1785-1826, of Connecticut, Charleston SC, and Florida
Richard Ives; North Haven, Sag Harbor, New York; Major interest: William Ives' English background, his descendants in North America, with particular emphasis on my Ives line (the subject of an upcoming book). Since my 5 G-grandfather, Gideon, and his son, Amos, participated in the American Revolution, I am interested in that era. Amos Ives' son, my 3 G-grandfather, fought in the War of 1812. His son, my great-grandfather, Col. S.S. Ives, fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy. His son, my grandfather, settled in Indian Territory in 1884. Any information relating to these events (and places) would be welcomed.
Ken Ives, Nokesville, VA. Major research interests: Ives participants in the American Civil War, 1861-65; Researching descendants of Timothy Ives, early immigrant to the Virginia colony. Other research interests: Almost anyone or anything named Ives.
Teresa Panek Ives, Rockton, IL, Major Interests: William, John, Joseph, Thomas, Enos, Enos B, Almon, William E, Charles E, George S, William HPE, Timothy, Paul W, Urban; Other Interests: Affine branches of the main William Ives branch
David Ives; Boise, Idaho; Major Interest: The entire main William Ives trunk; Other Interests: Various affined branches of the William Ives trunk; Ives in the Revolutionary War; other, non-William, progenitors of Ives lineages
Amanda Ives Ruston, Bexar County, Texas; Major Interest: Thomas Pitts Ives (1762-1834; both in North Carolina); seeking information on his ancestry
Deb Glantz Hanna, Connecticut; Major Interest: My interest are the Ives of Meriden, from the first Ives farms to the transition of each generation to other occupations, changing with the times. My line goes through Edgar Van Buren Ives (factory worker)and his father Silas Ives (inventor and farmer), and back through Titus Ives (farmer) to the original John Ives of Wallingford, CT who came up from New Haven, son of William. It fascinates me that every generation stayed in Meriden, adapting to the times. Each generation touches on other families such as Hall, Yale, Merriman; even a connection to,and each generation reflects the history of Meriden, including the 1890s and 1900s immigration where our Ives merges with the Swedish Glantz/Glans/Soderlund. I am interested in Ives cousins for each generation; all help paint a picture of the history of Meriden and the history of individuals.

Main William Ives Database Basic Stats, as of this date (file size = 404Mb)
Number of Individual Records —— 81,616
Number of Marriages —— 28,718
Number of Surnames —— 11,761
Number of Citations —— 64,182
Number of Facts —— 741,552
Date Span —— 725 BC to February 2023
Number of Media Files (e.g., photographs, census pages, original or compiled documents, passenger lists) —— 17,531
Size of Database (both text data and associated media files) —— 25.7Gb
(Note: does not include another 20,000+ Ives and affines in 120+ progenitor and non-progenitor Ives genealogy databases)

Contact David Ives with questions, comments, or suggestions -- davidives[at symbol]